related metrics presents an opportunity to trigger policy learning, action, and cooperation to bring cities closer to sustainable development.
Panel: Climate Neutrality in Cities
Moderator: Prof. Ingo Stadler
In transition processes towards achieving climate neutrality large cities and urban areas represent with high population densities and high energy densities a special challenge. On this panel we would like to discuss amongst researchers and representatives from cities different solution pathways, barriers and how to overcome them. We want to present and discuss best practice solutions.
European urban areas will be responsible for about 4.1 GtCO2 in 2020 that represents 15.7% of the global emissions from urban areas. In contrast, the scenario framework of the IMAGE SSP1 model with a radiative forcing level of 1.9 W/m2 necessitates that climate neutrality is reached by mid-century while even faster action should take place based on the expected target of 100 climate neutral cities by 2030 in Horizon Europe. This panel contribution will provide an overview of the total urban emissions from Europe with perspectives of climate neutrality, emphasizing that we do not only need climate neutrality, we need climate neutrality in the correct timing with the correct response considering the remaining carbon budget. The vast opportunities that urban areas represent for supporting energy system integration towards the renewable energy transition will be emphasized with perspectives from the Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems (SDEWES) City Index.
The path to achieving the ambitious objectives set by the 2015 Paris Agreement requires a synergy of action by national governments and public bodies at all jurisdictional levels. Cities are at the forefront of this process of reducing greenhouse gas emissions from current energy systems, but what is the ambition of European cities committed to the fight against climate and are cities' climate mitigation goals ambitious enough to achieve carbon neutrality by 2050 or sooner?
This panel contribution is based on the results of a recent study on the local climate mitigation plans of a representative sample of 327 cities in EU27 and the UK. It will provide an overview of cities’ effort in climate mitigation planning and their ambition in terms of mitigation targets. It will be useful to understand the movement of cities in the sample striving for carbon neutrality and the influence of climate networks in their climate action and ambition.